How to set Frequency Options like Theta
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 03:24PM
NicheVision in Frequency Options, Options, Setting ArmedXpert Options, Theta

This guide walks you through the available options for the frequency calculations.  You will learn how to turn Theta on or off, set Theta value, and set number of digits displayed.  

Go to the Interpretation section of ArmedXpert Options.  All the options for the Frequencies are either in the Frequencies Tab or the Frequency Option Tab.

Setting Theta Value

Click on the "Frequencies" tab.  Double Click on the Theta value next to each race.  Type in correct Theta value.  Repeat with each race.

Turning Theta on or off

Click on the "Frequency Option" tab.  Click on the box left of "Use Theta" to make the check mark appear or disappear.  A check mark indicates that Theta will be used.  This option is available for both Single and Mixture Frequency Calculations.  You can turn one or both on or off.

Change Database Size for Single Source Frequencies.

Click on the "Frequency Options" tab.  Enter the Database Size you would like.  Shown displayed on the Single Source Frequency Page is the database size.

Display Locus Detail in Mixture Frequency

Click on the "Frequency Options" button.  Click on the box to the left of "Include Locus Details in Report".  A check mark indicates this option is active.  If you open a mixture interpretation frequency report through the mixture interpretation window operations function, the locus details will display under the Locus, if this option is activated.

Set Significant Digits

Go to "Frequency Options", and enter the correct number in each box right of No. Significant digits and No. Significant digits (English).  This allows you to choose how the frequency calculations are displayed on the various frequency calculation types.


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