Entries by NicheVision (34)
Features to Help Make Calls in the Mixture Interpretation Tool
There are several additional features in the Mixture Intrepretation Tool to aide you in making calls. This guide goes through each of the features and explains how to use them.
How to Access a Different SQLite Database
This guide explains how to access a different database in ArmedXpert.
How to Add and Edit Users
When signing into ArmedXpert, an user name and optional password in entered. This guide explains how to add new users and edit current users.
How to Add New Frequencies
To perform frequency calculations in ArmedXpert based on the frequencies that are added into ArmedXpert. This guides explains how to add new frequencies.
How to Add New Sample
The New Sample option allows you to enter manually a new sample onto your current sample table or to a new table. This guide shows you how to add a new sample.
How to add QA Profile for QA Control Checks
This guide walks you through each step needed to add a QA profile to ArmedXpert. This is needed to do the QA control checks. This guide also explains what to do if your QA profile is not working correctly with the Control Checks.
How to Check Controls
Check Controls evaluates ladders, controls, and QA profiles to determine if they are within established parameters. This guide explains how to check the controls and how to change the control settings.
How to Combine Samples from One or More Tables into One New Table
This guide will show you how to take samples from one or more tables to another new table. For example, you can combine all your case files you are working on from a batch of samples into a new table.
How to Commit Staff, QA, and other Profiles
This guide walks you through each step needed to add a Staff, QA or other profile to ArmedXpert. This will allow you to compare samples against these profiles.