How to Commit Staff, QA, and other Profiles
This guide walks you through each step needed to add a Staff, QA or other profile to ArmedXpert. This will allow you to compare samples against these profiles.
Take the Mixture Challenge for ArmedXpertTM
This guide walks you through each step needed to add a Staff, QA or other profile to ArmedXpert. This will allow you to compare samples against these profiles.
This guide walks you through comparing samples. The Samples Comparison option compares one table against another. This report is useful in comparing your staff profile table to a sample table to confirm that there was no contamination.
Let ArmedXpert fill out the proficiency test placing your DNA profiles in the correct Loci positions. Import the data directly from GeneMapper, interpret the results and send the data directly to the form.
ArmedXpert has a custom report feature. This guide explains how to create a custom report.
This guides walks you through deleting a sample from a Staff, QA, or SRM Profile in ArmedXpert. It also explains what to do if you would like to delete an entire profile.
In the Mixture Interpretation Window, the proportion displayed can be displayed as a percentage amount, i.e. 0.25 and as a dilution ratio, i.e. 1:0.5. This guide explains how to turn the dilution ratio feature on.
This guide gives you directions on how to completly install ArmedXpert.
This guide explains how to edit any sample on your sample table.
The PHR Report shows all the peak height ratios (PHR) as well as the average PHR for selected table(s) or sample(s). This is useful to determine thresholds. This guide explains how to create the PHR Report.
There are two ways you can update the software. This guide will walk you through both ways.